Ok. So I'm considering offering the following limited edition portraits, but before I go all out to promote this special, I want to see if there's any interest. It seems like everyone is interested in natural and affordable photos. So what I'm trying to find out is if there's anybody interested in fine art portraits with more elaborite scenes. You know, like the stuff from Anne Gedes and Lisa Jane. Our Winter Wonderland limited edition was a hit several years back, but I'm not sure how this one would go over so I'm looking for feedback.
Since the scene takes time to set up, I would block off one or two days to shoot these sessions. The cost of the session would be a little more than our normal session, but would include the disc, print credits, AND a fine art product such as a canvas slim wrap. I haven't decided on all the details, but I'm thinking maybe $200 for the sitting, disc with all the images, a spiral bound brag book OR $25 print credits, prints available at 50% off, and a custom 11x14 slim wrap or gallery mounted print.
The image for the fine art print or slim wrap would include the digital art (like you see on the sample images). So tell me, are any of you interested in having a fine art piece of your child for your fall portratis this year? Comment or leave a message on my facebook page with your response.